2024 UPDATE - Telescopic pipe design to adjust fountain height from 15 to 22 inch, not like others the highest at 15 inch only. Return jets installed in different depths in the pool, adjustable pipe length can keep the fountain heads always remain above the water, rather than submerged in the water
FIT ABOVE INGROUND POOLS - New 3” thread adapter included to fit Intex/Bestway/Coleman and other above ground pools with 1-1/2” and 1 1/4” inlet fittings. The equipped 1.5” fountain thread will fit inground pools such as Hayward and regular pool return jets. Eyeball base removal tool also included to help unscrew the return part and install the fountain connector
Innovative Dual Spray Fountain - Integrated 2 waterfalls spraying from 1 pool outlet, splash double water volume into air, fastly cool down your pool by creating a falling water wide and high, bring a soothing sound to calm down quickly and release pressure from life. Attach directly to pump return outlet, cost no extra power
Controllable Waterfall Direction and Height - Adjustable PARALLEL and CROSS water spray with a simple rotate on central pipe, adapt to swimming pools of various sizes and shapes. Ensure nozzles toward pool when change direction. Combine with side valve on the bottom, you can adjust water pressure, height and direction to fit your unique pool
Kid’s Favorite Summer Fun! - Imagine there are 2 sprinklers GROWING OUT of pool water, create downpour waterfalls overhead, so much fun when dive into the chill water, playing with parents, friends, toys and even dogs. Waterfall sprayers are also great to boost party fun around pool for adults! Soothing sound with music rhythms & beats, bring with hammocks and grab a cup a wine, enjoy leisure time with friends and family. It looks more like enjoy a vacation on your doorstep
Garden Decoration Water Feature - Enrich the garden landscape with fountain aerators creating constant water spray and relaxing sound, especially at very low cost. When sitting around in the evenings by the pool, you will fell in love with the peaceful night and pleasantly cool! Easter decorations outdoor for home. St. Patrick decor accessories